Joe is always looking for experienced electricians. If you like the idea of a varied work environment, challenging yourself with a mix of residential repair, commercial troubleshooting, and ground-up jobs, Dr. Electric is the right company for you.

Joe is very intent on training the motivated and dependable youth of today who are interested in a career in the electrical field. If you are looking for a place to get your start in the electrical field, Dr. Electric may just be the right place for you.

Complete the form below to apply for a job, and Joe will call you back.


    Phone Number

    Do you have dependable transportation to and from work?

    Do you have a valid TN drivers license?

    Do you have any physical limitations restricting your work activity?

    If you answered Yes, please explain?

    Pay rate desired

    Work Experience
    List your most recent employment first. Please include the name of your employer, your supervisor, and your position along with dates of employment, phone number, and the reason for leaving.